Monday, April 1, 2024

Cancer Killing Smoothies

Here's a good Cancer-killing smoothie recipe to combat cancer, that Big Pharma doesn't want anyone to know. 

While I'll admit some of these products are costly, but bare in mind your health is worth it. I have personally made this recipe smoothie and have experienced its miraculous healing powers in my body by drinking it every morning. Believe it or not, we all have cancer cells that are body continually combats and kicks out of our bodies every day. Our goal is to make sure we are armed to the teeth to wage war against these rebellious cells within our bodies and to eliminate them consistently.

🥤Smoothie recipe ingredients.

Tumeric, Moringa green powder, Chlorella green powder, Spirulina green powder, Green food powder, blueberries, apricots - especially the seeds which contain vitamin b17, vitamin C, d, magnesium, protein powder, bananas, almonds, cashews, omega 3 fatty acids, any variety of fruit like strawberry, blueberries, etc. Avoid sugar products, and tap water, drink spring water or artisan well water.

🍬Avoid processed sugar products, eg Coke, Red Bill, etc. If you must eat chocolate eat dark chocolate which is healthy in moderation.
Sugar is hard to conquer, try eating good sweet fruit when you get a craving. 
Yeah, sugar is hard to conquer, try eating good sweet fruit when you get the craving. Try to eat organic fruit and veggies and stay away from GMO products.

The USDA now requires food sellers to label their GMO products to help you identify them. The label might say “bioengineered (BE)” or “contains a bioengineered food ingredient.” But if they're labeled “certified organic,” the USDA says they can't contain any GMOs. Unfortunately, Canada is behind. There are no specific laws in Canada about labeling GM foods differently. They are labeled like any other food because our safety assessments have found them to be as safe and nutritious as non-GM foods. Stay away from bioengineered foods (always read the label) and GMO foods.

The PLU code, or price lookup number, printed on the sticker tells you if produce is organic or conventional. Learning this basic info can prevent you from accidentally buying conventional or GMO produce others mistakenly put back in the organic section.The stickers or labels attached to fruit and some vegetables have more of a function than helping scan the price at the checkout stand. By reading the PLU code, you can tell if the fruit was genetically modified, organically grown or produced with chemical fertilizers, fungicides, or herbicides.

Here are the basics of what you should know:

Conventional. If there are only four numbers in the PLU, this means that the produce was grown conventionally or “traditionally” with the use of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. The last four letters of the PLU code are simply what kind of vegetable or fruit. An example is that all conventional bananas are labeled with the code: 4011
GMO. If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts with “8″, this tells you that the item is a genetically modified fruit or vegetable. A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be labeled: 84011
Organic. If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts with “9″, this tells you that the produce was grown organically and is not genetically modified nor grown with pesticides. An organic banana would be labeled: 94011
This info can prevent you from accidentally buying conventional produce. I’ve accidentally picked up a few conventional fruits and veggies that were in a pile of organics. They had been mistakenly placed there by customers returning foods they didn’t want. The only way I knew I was choosing organic was by checking the PLU codes!

A few words of caution. Consumers cannot depend upon PLU codes 100%. For starters, the use of PLU codes is optional, so many produce items don’t bear them. Additionally, PLU codes were developed for the benefit of suppliers and retailers to assist them in sorting and pricing produce, not to provide information to end buyers. If GM-based food suppliers think consumers won’t want to knowingly buy their genetically modified corn, for example, they can simply decline to tag it with PLU codes. Or, if retailers don’t expect to price GM corn differently than conventionally grown corn, they can label the former with just four digits and omit the leading ‘8’ that identifies it as a genetically modified product.

If you only want organic produce, look for items that are specifically labeled as “Organic.” If you want to ensure you avoid GM produce, buy only items that are USDA certified as “100% organic,” which by law cannot contain GMOs.

By simply shopping at farmer’s markets, you can bypass all this mumbo jumbo and get fresher, more nutritious produce in the process! I always thought it strange to buy zucchinis with stickers on them.

Yummy leafy greens, mmmmm yes your favorite salads and dressing which provide B vitamins and iron will add 15 years to your life. Your body uses these to make blood cells vital to your revitalisation and rejuvenation. Spinach, kale, and romaine lettuce are good options.
Carrot and pumpkin (pumpkin seeds) are naturally sweet fruits that are high in vitamin A. Try grinding them up and adding them to your smoothie.

🍔Oh dear, here comes the hard part. Fasting periodically will also give your natural immune system the upper hand during this detox time.
Avoid toxic food drinks and products. I have found fasting periodically to resolve many health issues and have done so for 3 days up to 21 days. Never go into a fast cold turkey but drink the smoothie recipe going into the fast and coming out of the fast slowly to avoid stress, shock, and trauma to your system and body. Always consult a physician if you have health issues like diabetes etc. A good nutritionist, dietician, or even people at your local health foods store may help couch your quest for a healthy life and diet.

Doing an enema will also cleanse your bowels and intestines. You should do an enema as you feel necessary, especially when fasting and doing a parasite cleanse. Parasites also hate grapefruit juice which you can take along with your parasite cleanse product from your health food store.

I'm going to add to this smoothie list but by bit, so please feel free to comment on your healthy solutions in the comments below. Stay tuned for more information ℹ️