Saturday, March 8, 2025

Facts about Westcott and Hort - NIV

Facts about Westcott and Hort:

Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901) and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) were the two English "scholars" who produced the corrupt Greek text of the modern versions. Their dominating influence on the revision committee of 1871-1881 accounts for most of the corruption that we have today in modern translations. The Bible believer should keep several points in mind when discussing these two men. The following information are these: 

1. Together, the Life and Letters of Brooke Foss Westcott and the Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort run over 1,800 pages. A personal salvation testimony is not given once for either man, and the name "Jesus" is found only nine times!

2. Westcott was a firm believer in Mary worship, and Hort claimed that Mary worship had a lot in common with Jesus worship.

3. Hort believed in keeping Roman Catholic sacraments.

4. Hort believed in baptismal regeneration as taught in the Catholic church.

5. Hort rejected the infallibility of Scripture.

6. Hort took great interest in the works of Charles Darwin, while both he and Westcott rejected the literal account of Creation.

7. Westcott did not believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Millennium, or a literal Heaven.

8. Both men rejected the doctrine of a literal Hell, and they supported prayers for the dead in purgatory.

9. Hort refused to believe in the Holy Trinity.

10. Hort refused to believe in angels.

11. Westcott confessed that he was a communist by nature.

12. Hort confessed that he hated democracy in all it's forms.

13. Westcott also did his share of beer drinking. In fact, only twelve years after the Revised Version was published, Westcott was a spokesman for a brewery.

14. While working on their Greek text (1851-1871), and while working on the Revision Committee for the Revised Version (1871-1881), Westcott and Hort were also keeping company with "seducing spirits and doctrines of devils" (1 Timothy 4:1). Both men took great interest in occult practices and clubs. They started the Hermes Club in 1845, the Ghostly Guild in 1851, and Hort joined a secret club called The Apostles in the same year. They also started the Eranus Club in 1872. These were spiritualists groups which believed in such unscriptural practices as communicating with the dead (necromancy).

15. The Westcott and Hort Greek text was SECRETLY given to the Revision Committee.

16. The members of the Revision Committee of 1881 were sworn to a pledge of secrecy in regard to the new Greek text being used, and they met in silence for ten years.

17. The corrupt Greek text of Westcott and Hort was not released to the public until just five days before the debut of the Revised Version. This prevented Bible-believing scholars like Dean Burgon from reviewing it and exposing it for the piece of trash that it was.

Does this sound like an HONEST work of God or a DISHONEST work of the Devil?


Many King James Only (KJV-Only) advocates believe that the New International Version (NIV) and other modern Bible translations are corrupt because they rely on different manuscript sources, primarily the Alexandrian texts. These arguments come from scholars and preachers who hold to the Textus Receptus (Received Text) and believe the King James Version (KJV) is the only true and preserved Word of God. Below is a summary of their main objections to the NIV and the Alexandrian texts.

Reasons Why KJV-Only Advocates Reject the NIV

1. Missing and Altered Verses

KJV-Only scholars argue that the NIV omits or changes key verses that support core Christian doctrines. Some examples include:

Matthew 17:21 – ("Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.") – Missing in the NIV.

Mark 16:9-20 – The longer ending of Mark is either omitted or footnoted in modern translations.

Acts 8:37 – A verse affirming belief in Christ before baptism is omitted.

1 John 5:7 – The Johannine Comma, supporting the Trinity, is removed or footnoted.

2. Use of Alexandrian Manuscripts

The NIV relies on older manuscripts from Alexandria, Egypt (Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus), while the KJV is based on the Textus Receptus.

KJV-Only scholars argue that the Alexandrian texts were corrupted by Gnostic influences or deliberate alterations by early scribes.

3. Changes in Christology (Diminishing Jesus’ Divinity)

Critics claim the NIV subtly weakens the doctrine of Christ’s deity. For example:

1 Timothy 3:16

KJV: "God was manifest in the flesh…"

NIV: "He appeared in the flesh…" (Removes "God")

Philippians 2:6

KJV: "Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God…"

NIV: "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage…" (Different meaning)

4. Westcott and Hort Connection

The scholars who influenced modern critical Greek texts (Westcott & Hort) are accused of having theological liberalism and occult interests.

KJV-Only teachers claim their Greek text was biased toward Roman Catholic and rationalist influences.

5. Paraphrased or Dynamic Equivalence Translation

The NIV uses a more thought-for-thought translation method, while the KJV is word-for-word.

This results in theological shifts that KJV-Only advocates believe distort God’s message.

6. Ecumenical and Liberal Bias

Some KJV defenders believe modern translations, including the NIV, were influenced by ecumenism, diluting biblical truth.

The NIV’s translation committee included scholars with theological liberalism, which raises suspicion among KJV supporters

Why the Alexandrian Texts Are Considered Corrupt

1. Origin in Egypt

Egypt is often associated with corruption in the Bible (e.g., Deuteronomy 17:16, Revelation 11:8).

KJV-Only advocates argue that God would not preserve His pure Word in a place known for heresies.

2. Missing Passages

The Alexandrian manuscripts often lack entire sections of Scripture (e.g., John 7:53-8:11, Mark 16:9-20), which raises suspicion of tampering.

3. Influence of Gnostic Thought

Some scholars believe early Alexandrian scribes were influenced by Gnosticism, a heretical belief system that distorts Christian doctrine.

4. Contradictions Among the Manuscripts

The Alexandrian texts (Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus) often disagree with each other, suggesting they are not reliable.

References from KJV-Only Scholars

1. Dr. David Otis Fuller – Which Bible? (Argues for the superiority of the Textus Receptus and exposes problems with modern translations.)

2. Dr. Peter Ruckman – The Christian’s Handbook of Manuscript Evidence (Strongly argues against the NIV and modern textual criticism.)

3. Gail Riplinger – New Age Bible Versions (Claims the NIV and other versions are influenced by New Age doctrines.)

4. Dr. Edward F. Hills – The King James Version Defended (Argues that the KJV is the providentially preserved Word of God.)

5. Dean John William Burgon – The Revision Revised (Criticized Westcott & Hort’s Greek text, defending the Traditional Text.)


KJV-Only scholars reject the NIV because they believe it is based on corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts, removes key doctrines, and was influenced by liberal theology. They argue that the KJV, based on the Textus Receptus and the Masoretic Text, is the true, preserved Word of God.

Here is a list of altered and missing verses in the NIV compared to the King James Version (KJV), along with explanations of why KJV-Only advocates believe these changes are erroneous and dangerous to Christian doctrine.

Missing Verses in the NIV

The following verses are completely removed from the NIV. In many cases, they are footnoted but not included in the main text.

These omissions are troubling to KJV-Only believers because they remove key doctrinal statements about salvation, fasting, spiritual warfare, and the reality of hell.

Altered Verses in the NIV (Doctrinal Changes)

In many cases, the NIV changes words or phrases, subtly affecting doctrine. Below are some examples of serious alterations.

1. 1 Timothy 3:16 – The Deity of Christ

KJV: "God was manifest in the flesh…"

NIV: "He appeared in the flesh…"

Issue: The NIV removes "God" and replaces it with "He," making the verse ambiguous. The KJV affirms that Jesus is God, while the NIV weakens this doctrine.

2. Colossians 1:14 – The Blood of Christ

KJV: "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins."

NIV: "In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

Issue: The NIV removes "through his blood," downplaying the importance of Christ’s blood for redemption (Hebrews 9:22).

3. Isaiah 14:12 – Lucifer Becomes "Morning Star"

KJV: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!"

NIV: "How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn!"

Issue: "Morning Star" is a title given to Jesus in Revelation 22:16. The NIV confuses Lucifer (Satan) with Christ, creating a theological problem.

4. Luke 4:4 – The Word of God Omitted

KJV: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God."

NIV: "Man shall not live on bread alone."

Issue: The NIV removes "but by every word of God," weakening the doctrine of Scriptural authority.

5. 1 John 5:7 – The Trinity Weakened

KJV: "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."

NIV: "For there are three that testify."

Issue: The NIV removes a clear statement of the Trinity, weakening the biblical defense of this doctrine.

6. Philippians 2:6 – Christ’s Equality with God Changed

KJV: "Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God."

NIV: "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage."

Issue: The NIV implies that Jesus wasn’t equal with God, contradicting the doctrine of Christ’s divinity.

7. Micah 5:2 – Christ’s Eternality Altered

KJV: "Whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting."

NIV: "Whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."

Issue: The KJV affirms that Jesus is eternal, while the NIV makes it sound like He had an origin.

8. Mark 1:2 – Prophecy Misattributed

KJV: "As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face…"

NIV: "As it is written in Isaiah the prophet…"

Issue: The prophecy quoted is actually from Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3. The NIV incorrectly attributes it only to Isaiah, creating an error.

9. Daniel 3:25 – The Fourth Man in the Fire Changed

KJV: "The fourth is like the Son of God."

NIV: "The fourth looks like a son of the gods."

Issue: The KJV points to Jesus Christ appearing in the fire, while the NIV makes it sound like a pagan deity.

10. Acts 2:30 – Christ's Resurrection Prophecy Weakened

KJV: "…according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne."

NIV: "…he would place one of his descendants on his throne."

Issue: The KJV directly states that Christ will sit on David’s throne, while the NIV weakens the prophecy by making it generic.

Conclusion: Why These Changes Are Problematic

1. Weakened Christology – Many NIV changes diminish Jesus’ deity, eternal existence, and equality with God.

2. Removal of Key Doctrines – The blood of Christ, fasting, the Trinity, and the necessity of God’s Word are all downplayed or removed.

3. Confusion in Prophecy – The NIV misattributes prophecies or alters meanings, leading to theological errors.

4. Corrupt Manuscript Sources – The NIV is based on Alexandrian manuscripts, which omit or modify verses, whereas the KJV is based on the Textus Receptus, which KJV-Only advocates believe is the preserved Word of God.

1 Corinthians 6:9 Effeminate

The NIV is a blasphemous trash doctrine, that should not be used by anyone! 

The effeminate are deceived and will not inherit the kingdom of God 1 Cor 6:9. This is blasphemous and antithetical.
You should be presenting yourself as a man created in the image of God.

People who use the (NIV) Bible (per)version think that it doesn’t say that. What version do you use?

"Be not deceived" (misled) .... In other words if you think the following list is not sin, then you are deceived...
"effeminate" effeminate perverts, homoerotic partners, 
Strongs concordance: Strong's Number - G3120
Greek: μαλακός
Transliteration: malakos
Pronunciation: mal-ak-os'
Definition: Of uncertain affinity;
soft that is fine (clothing); figuratively a catamite: - effeminate soft.
KJV Usage: soft (3x), effeminate (1x).
Occurs: 4
In verses: 3

KJV is the true version of the Bible.

Niv is a false translation, based on the textual criticism of "Westcott and Hort," two prominent 19th-century scholars whose Greek text was used as a foundation for the NIV.
These scholars favored a "Alexandrian" text type, which often differed from the "Byzantine" text traditionally used in many translations. This Alexandrian text sometimes had variations in wording compared to the Byzantine, leading to different interpretations in certain passages when translated into English.

The NIV translates malakoi as “male prostitutes.” The male prostitute was “soft” because he took the passive role in sexual relations with other men. Paul made up the word arsenokoitai. It was never used before Paul in any writing of the ancient world.

St Paul used this word "soft" to describe the effeminine prostitutes. He used the word effeminate to describe men who appeared to be women. The fact that they were prostitutes is a reference to them having homosexual relations with men who were not effeminine, but homosexual. The verse clearly states that it is quote the effeminate that will not inherit the kingdom of God. Irregardless of them being prostitutes. It is the blasphemy that is an expression antithetical to their sex which God created male and female. You are the express image of God and as such should conduct yourself accordance with this expression, not expressing yourself in such a testimony that is diametrically opposed to what is natural. Be true too yourself or to thine own self be true. 

If you thoroughly compare the NIV and the King James version you will soon discover from its historical documentation and translation that both are erroneous and filled with errors. 
Most translations translate the word effeminate, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if a man is soft then he is effeminate. You should also consider the fact that if you represent yourself as the opposite sex and your expression you are more than likely attracting same sex partners. I would question whether or not you are homosexual or not. If so this is another issue that this very same verse brings up. 

Here is a video on YouTube explaining some of the errors of the NIV translation. 

The same publishing company Zondervan which produces the NIV Bible also publishes the Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Don't be a Cuck Pastor for the Government.

Christian churches in Canada must take steps to ensure that the government never again oversteps its authority over them.

No more church lockdowns.
No more arrests of pastors for keeping their churches open.
No more allowing the government to dictate when and how believers can assemble.

Romans 13 makes it clear that governing authorities exist to serve God’s purposes, not to replace Him. The government is meant to be a servant of the people, not their master. No earthly authority has the right to usurp God’s authority over His Church. Any government or institution that claims such power is acting outside its rightful role and should not be submitted to by the Church (the ecclesia). Christians are called to obey only those authorities that are truly ordained by God and aligned with His will and purpose for the Church.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Follow The Money - Ukraine War Profiteering

Follow the money...


"The Ukraine conflict isn’t a three-year war—it’s been in the making for decades through deception, corruption, and reckless U.S. power plays"

Key Moments They Don’t Want You to Remember:
🔹 1990 – The U.S. promised Russia NATO wouldn’t expand “one inch eastward.” That was a lie.
🔹 2002 – The U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, destabilizing nuclear deterrence.
🔹 2004 – NATO added seven more countries, pushing right up to Russia’s borders.
🔹 2008 – Bush Jr. pushed to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, crossing another red line.
🔹 2014 (February) – The CIA backed a coup in Ukraine, overthrowing its neutral leader. War followed.
🔹 2014 (March) – Crimea voted 97% to rejoin Russia in a referendum. The West called it “illegitimate,” ignoring the region’s long history with Russia. Moscow took Crimea back without firing a shot.
🔹 2022 (February) – Kamala Harris publicly invited Ukraine to join NATO, daring Russia to respond.
🔹 2022 (April) – UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson sabotaged peace talks in Kyiv, telling Zelensky to tear up the deal and keep fighting for “Western hegemony.”
🔹 2022-2024 – EU leaders blindly followed Washington’s war agenda, pumping billions into Ukraine, cutting off Russian energy, and crippling their own economies—all while their defense industries raked in profits.
🔹 February 12, 2025 – Trump and Putin actually talked—for the first time in years. Days later, the U.S. finally admitted Ukraine will NEVER join NATO.
🔹 2025 – Now that the U.S. is shifting under Trump, European leaders are in a panic. They backed a war they can’t win, and Washington is leaving them holding the bag.

Zelensky & His Backers
A comedian-turned-president, Zelensky was propped up by oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky—a corrupt banker so dirty even the U.S. sanctioned him.

Kolomoisky funded Zelensky’s rise from TV star to president and has deep ties to Western elites, bankers, and war profiteers who always cash in on conflict.

Meet the beggar boy

Meanwhile, Zelensky became America’s khaki-clad poster boy, begging for billions while:
🔹 Dissidents were jailed.
🔹 Men were dragged from their homes to fight.
🔹 Ukraine’s elites got filthy rich off the war.

Ukrainian Nazis

Now the Script is Falling Apart
So after three years of war, a million dead, and billions flushed down the drain… for what?

The Truth
This was never about “protecting Ukraine.” It was a reckless U.S. project to expand NATO, box in Russia, and funnel cash to defense contractors.

The Winners?
🔹 U.S. war profiteers
🔹 Corrupt oligarchs
🔹 The elites who fund both sides of every war

The Losers?
🔹 Ukrainians
🔹 Russians
🔹 You—the taxpayer

Beacon of democracy?

They lied. People died.

Now that they’ve milked it dry, they’re trying to move on.

Don’t let them.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Truckers For Freedom Ottawa

Freedom over fear!

The 2022 trucker convoy in Ottawa, known as the "Freedom Convoy," was primarily a protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and restrictions. It started as a movement led by some truckers opposing the federal vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers but quickly grew into a broader protest against government restrictions, with participants from various backgrounds.

Many supporters framed the protest as a defense of Charter rights and freedoms, particularly bodily autonomy and the right to refuse medical treatment without coercion. They argued that vaccine mandates and COVID-19 restrictions violated Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which protects the right to "life, liberty, and security of the person." Others saw it as an issue of government overreach and personal choice.

Ultimately, the convoy became a flashpoint in debates over civil liberties, government authority, and public health measures.

It's mere speculation to assume that the trucker convoy for freedom in Ottawa was funded by MAGA or the Russians.

There's no credible evidence that the so-called "trucker convoy" in Ottawa was funded by MAGA (Make America Great Again) or Russia. The 2022 Freedom Convoy, which protested COVID-19 mandates, received donations from various sources, including small donors in Canada and abroad. Some reports suggested that a portion of the funding came from U.S. donors, but there was no solid proof of Russian government involvement.

The use of the Emergencies Act by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa was widely criticized as an overreach of government power. Here’s why many people believe his response was excessive:

1. The Emergencies Act Was Never Used Before and Had a High Legal Threshold

The Emergencies Act (1988) is meant to be used in cases of a national emergency—a situation that seriously endangers the lives of Canadians or threatens the sovereignty, security, or territorial integrity of Canada. It is not supposed to be used just because a protest is inconvenient or disruptive.

Previous large-scale protests and disruptions (such as Indigenous land rights protests, pipeline blockades, and other major demonstrations) were handled without invoking this act.

Critics argued that the trucker protest, while disruptive, did not meet the legal definition of a national emergency.

2. Violent Crackdown on Peaceful Protesters

Once the Emergencies Act was invoked, the government used unprecedented police force:

Riot police from across Canada were deployed, and some reports suggest that officers from other countries (possibly through international law enforcement partnerships) were involved.

Officers used batons, tear gas, stun grenades, and physical force against peaceful protesters.

Mounted police (on horseback) trampled protesters, including an elderly Indigenous woman who used a walker.

Journalists covering the event were beaten and arrested.

Videos showed non-violent protesters being tackled, hit with rifles, and forcibly arrested, raising concerns about police brutality.

3. Freezing Bank Accounts Without Due Process

Under the Emergencies Act, the government froze the bank accounts of protesters and even some people who merely donated to the cause.

The financial crackdown was carried out without a court order.

Ordinary citizens who supported the protest lost access to their own money.

This was seen as an extreme form of economic punishment for political dissent.

4. Lack of Justification and Judicial Pushback

The Ontario Superior Court ruled in 2023 that Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act was unconstitutional, reinforcing the argument that it was an overreach.

Even before the ruling, many legal experts and civil rights organizations, such as the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), argued that the government already had the tools to clear the protest without invoking emergency powers.

5. Political Motivation & Demonization of Protesters

Trudeau refused to meet with the protesters or engage in dialogue. Instead, he labeled them as a "fringe minority" with "unacceptable views."

The government and media focused on a handful of bad actors (such as people carrying controversial flags) to discredit the entire movement.

Some critics argue that Trudeau’s main goal was not to restore order but to send a message that political dissent against his government would be harshly punished.

Conclusion: A Dangerous Precedent

By invoking the Emergencies Act against a peaceful protest, Trudeau set a dangerous precedent for future governments. If a protest can be crushed with emergency powers just because it challenges the government’s policies, then civil liberties in Canada are at risk.

The right to bodily autonomy—the ability to make decisions about one’s own body without coercion—is a fundamental human right protected by both Canadian law and international human rights agreements. Here’s why refusing a COVID-19 vaccine is an essential Charter right, legal right, and human right in Canada.

1. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982)

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the highest law in Canada and protects bodily autonomy under:

Section 7 – Right to Life, Liberty, and Security of the Person

This guarantees that the government cannot force medical procedures on individuals without their consent.

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled in past cases (e.g., Carter v. Canada, 2015) that bodily autonomy is essential to human dignity.

Section 2 – Freedom of Conscience and Religion

Many people refused the vaccine for religious or ethical reasons.

Forcing someone to violate their conscience is unconstitutional.

Section 15 – Equality Rights

Vaccine mandates created a two-tiered society, where unvaccinated Canadians were discriminated against in jobs, travel, and public spaces.

This violated the principle of equal treatment under the law.

2. Informed Consent in Canadian Law

The Nuremberg Code (1947) and Canadian medical ethics require that all medical interventions be voluntary and based on informed consent.

A person must not be pressured, coerced, or threatened to take a medical procedure—this includes the COVID-19 vaccine.

Canada’s Health Care Consent Act (Ontario, 1996) states that every person has the right to refuse treatment for any reason.

3. International Human Rights Protections

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) – Protects the right to refuse medical procedures.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) – For


Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Real Anthony Fauci

Watch the documentary here...

Arrest Dr. Fauci. 
Crimes Against Humanity. 

“There’s HIV found in the spike protein…”


Dr. Fauci is a Medical Murderer. 

He declined repurposed drugs, like Bactrim, for the dying HIV Patients in the 1980’s. 

He Antibiotic Use for Seasonal Respiratory Illnesses that he called ‘Covid’. 

He declined because he’s a Serial Killer.

Fauci is the most prolific American serial killer of the 21st Century.

He’s not a hero nor a respected man of science.

He funded the creation of COVID, knew about its origins in a lab, and lied to the American people.

Of course Biden pardons him.

THIS is why the Deep State, Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci FEAR RFK Jr. 

“Bill Gates controls the WHO which mandates ‘vaccines’ for the entire World…”

Bill Gates belongs in PRISON NOW for Biological War Crimes.

Fauci, a KNOWN career criminal of 40+ years, is still walking free. 

Not only did he help lead the COVID scamdemic and promote toxic jabs, but he also did the same thing in the 1980s during the “AIDS crisis” promoting toxic medication. 

Guess what? Both the Trump and Biden admin put this stooge front and center to lead the plandemic. So, both parties were tricked by this known career criminal? Get real. 

Neither side in government is here to save you.


GENOCIDE: 17 states are seeking to prosecute the unelected bureaucrat that funded gain of function COVID research in Wuhan, China and lied about it once it escaped from the lab and killed millions. Dr. Fauci operated ABOVE the executive branch and was unaccountable.

🚨U.S. District Attorney's and U.S. Sheriffs working together to criminally charge Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak and others for racketeering, collusion in creating the Wuhan virus and premeditated murder of thousands via Remdesivir and Covid Vaccinations.

THE PANDEMIC EXPOSED: Attorney Reiner Fuellmich made an international call to indict Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. Now he is in prison for exposing the biggest crime in human history. These are his findings.
Reimer, an Attorney, is currently in prison for calling out the ‘Pandemic Planners’ i.e., Trudeau, WEF, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Tedros (WHO), and Christian Drosten for Crimes Against Humanity. 

FAUCI MURDERED ORPHANS: Fauci experimented on, tortured and murdered innocent orphaned children who had no parents or guardians to protect them. He had their bodies buried in a mass unmarked grave so no one would find out. Kennedy and Kash will get justice.

Globally it is estimated that 7.3 million to 15 million died from the Covid vaccines.  
29 to 60 million have been disabled globally. 
500 to 900 million are vaccine injured.  
Yet they are still ramping up to make more mRNA vaccines‼️

Monday, February 3, 2025

Discernment of spirits

The gift of discerning of spirits is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:10, where Paul writes that some are given "the ability to distinguish between spirits." This gift enables a believer to perceive and recognize the presence, influence, or origin of spiritual forces—whether they are from God, demonic, or simply human.

"The gift of discernment" refers to a spiritual ability, often mentioned in Christianity, that allows a person to accurately distinguish between what is true and false, good and evil, or to perceive the true nature of situations and people, essentially granting a heightened sense of insight and judgment, often considered a gift from God to be used to discern spiritual matters and guide decision-making; it involves the capacity to recognize genuine expressions of the Holy Spirit from deceptive or harmful influences. 

1 John 4:1 - Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

The Bible mentions the gift of discernment in 1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 John 4:1, Philippians 1:9-10, and Acts 8:17-24. 

Why Is the Gift of Discerning of Spirits Important?

1. Protection Against Deception

The Bible warns that false prophets and deceitful spirits will try to mislead believers (Matthew 24:24, 1 John 4:1).

This gift helps the church identify false teachings, counterfeit miracles, and deceptive influences.

2. Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance

In Ephesians 6:12, Paul reminds us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces.

The ability to discern spirits helps believers engage in effective spiritual warfare, casting out demonic influences and bringing freedom to those oppressed.

3. Edifying the Church

The gift helps ensure that the church is led by the Holy Spirit, not human wisdom or demonic deception.

It helps leaders recognize when someone is operating under the wrong spirit and address it properly.

4. Guidance for Ministry and Evangelism

When ministering to others, this gift helps identify the true needs of a person—whether they need deliverance, healing, or encouragement.

In Acts 16:16-18, Paul discerned that a girl with a "spirit of divination" was not speaking by the Holy Spirit, even though she was saying something that sounded true.

5. Helps in Prayer and Intercession

Those with this gift can perceive spiritual atmospheres and pray accordingly.

They can discern whether a spiritual attack is occurring and intercede for protection and breakthrough.

How to Grow in the Gift of Discerning of Spirits

Stay in the Word of God – The Bible is the standard for testing every spirit (Hebrews 4:12).

Pray for Wisdom and Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit – Ask God to give you the gift of discernment.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Mormons Are Christian's?

Mormon's are Christians?

Joseph Smith (1805–1844) was the most deceptive and fraudulent Mormon "prophet" of the 19th century—period.
A cunning and deceitful womanizer, he led millions astray.

Joseph Smith was a complete fraud—a false prophet through and through. He had approximately 40 wives, including his youngest, Helen Mar Kimball, who was only 14 years old. He also had an affair with his housekeeper, Fanny Alger, who was just 15.

His wife, Emma Hale, caught him in the barn with Fanny Alger, peering through a crack in the door on their property.
Poor Emma. The so-called elders of the fraudulent church had to be summoned to calm her down. The shock took weeks for her to recover from.

Meanwhile, the poor Mormon followers remained trapped, ensnared by a false prophet leading them toward ruin.

Joseph Smith was a notorious womanizer.

As for the four golden plates containing the so-called "Reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics," which he claimed to have used to translate the fabricated Book of Mormon (Galatians 1:8–9)—where are they now?

We have ancient manuscripts (MSS) that predate Joseph Smith by centuries.
And yet, the golden plates? Conveniently vanished. No evidence to examine.

Smith claimed they were taken away by a so-called angel, Moroni—an invention of his deceitful imagination.

Renowned linguist Charles Anthon was approached by Martin Harris, whom Joseph Smith sent to verify the so-called "Reformed Egyptian" writing. I have a letter from Anthon himself stating that the characters presented to him were nothing but a fraudulent concoction—devised by con artists.

Joseph Smith lied once again, as recorded in Doctrine and Covenants and the History of Joseph Smith, sections 63–65.

Like all his other false prophecies, he claimed, "Thus saith the Lord."

But the Bible says:

"The ancient and honorable, he is the head; and the prophet that teaches lies, he is the tail. For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."
—Isaiah 9:15–16

If you are a member of the Church of Joseph Smith of Latter-Day Deceivers, flee for the sake of your soul!

And if two missionaries come knocking on your door in their spotless white shirts and black name tags, tell them to repent. Make it clear you have no interest in following a false prophet—then close the door on them immediately. Do not engage with them.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Why Are People Burning the Quran?

Why are people burning the Quran? 

Could it be an influence stemming from an historical event that took place in Ephesus as part of a broader spiritual revival after the Apostle Paul's preaching? 
Those who had practiced sorcery recognized the power of God and demonstrated their repentance by destroying their expensive sorcery books.

The Bible passage from Acts 19:19:

"And a number of those who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas."

Why are some people critical of the Quran?

Critiques of the Qur'an as a text often come from theological, historical, or textual perspectives, primarily from Christian or secular viewpoints. Below is a point-by-point summary of common arguments made by critics who claim the Qur'an is not divinely inspired, is anti-Christian, or conflicts with biblical Christianity. These points represent such critiques but do not reflect an endorsement of any particular view:


1. Contradictions with the Bible

The Qur'an denies the divinity of Jesus Christ (Surah 4:171), while the Bible affirms it (John 1:1, Colossians 2:9).

The Qur'an claims Jesus was not crucified (Surah 4:157), contradicting the central Christian belief in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus (Luke 23:33, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

The Qur'an rejects the concept of the Trinity (Surah 5:73), which is foundational to Christian theology (Matthew 28:19).
Critique: Critics argue that these denials are not compatible with the biblical narrative and label the Qur'an as a distortion or rejection of core Christian doctrines.


2. Historical Anachronisms

The Qur'an references events and characters in ways that are historically inaccurate, such as Haman (Surah 28:38) being a servant of Pharaoh, despite his association with the Persian court in the Book of Esther.

Claims that Christians and Jews corrupted their scriptures (Surah 2:75, Surah 5:13) lack historical evidence, as existing biblical manuscripts predate the Qur'an.
Critique: These historical inconsistencies lead critics to question the Qur'an's divine origin.


3. Borrowing from Other Sources

The Qur'an includes stories resembling apocryphal Jewish and Christian texts, such as the story of the Seven Sleepers (Surah 18:9-26) and tales about Mary.

Critics claim these stories were adapted from non-canonical sources, such as the Infancy Gospel of Thomas or Talmudic traditions.
Critique: Critics argue that the Qur'an is a compilation of pre-existing myths and legends rather than divine revelation.


4. Antichrist Teachings

The Qur'an denies Jesus as the Son of God (Surah 9:30) and His role as the Savior, which Christians view as antichrist teachings based on 1 John 2:22: "Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son."
Critique: Christians see the denial of Jesus’ divinity and role as Savior as directly opposing the Christian faith.


5. Lack of Miracles by Muhammad

The Qur'an states that Muhammad performed no miracles (Surah 6:37), unlike the prophets of the Bible, whose miraculous deeds confirmed their divine calling (e.g., Moses, Elijah, Jesus).
Critique: Critics argue that the absence of miracles undermines Muhammad’s claim to prophethood.


6. Ethical and Moral Concerns

Critics point to verses in the Qur'an that condone violence, such as fighting against non-believers (Surah 9:5, Surah 9:29).

The Qur'an allows practices like polygamy (Surah 4:3) and slavery, which some view as incompatible with Christian ethics and the teachings of Jesus.
Critique: These ethical issues lead critics to question whether the Qur'an aligns with divine standards.


7. Lack of Fulfilled Prophecy

Unlike the Bible, which contains numerous fulfilled prophecies (e.g., Isaiah 53 about the Messiah), critics argue that the Qur'an lacks verifiable predictive prophecies.
Critique: Critics claim this absence diminishes its credibility as divine revelation.


8. Anti-Christian Rhetoric

The Qur'an criticizes Christians for believing in Jesus’ divinity and the Trinity, calling such beliefs blasphemy (Surah 5:72-73).

It condemns those who say "God has a son" (Surah 19:88-92) and predicts severe punishment for such claims.
Critique: Critics view this rhetoric as explicitly anti-Christian and in opposition to biblical teachings.


9. Self-Referential Claims of Authority

The Qur'an asserts its own authority as the final revelation (Surah 2:2, Surah 33:40) without external verification or prophetic confirmation.
Critique: Critics argue that the Qur’an’s self-authentication lacks the evidentiary basis found in biblical prophecy and miracles.


10. Changes in Revelation (Abrogation)

The Qur'an acknowledges that some verses abrogate others (Surah 2:106, Surah 16:101), leading to accusations of inconsistency in divine revelation.
Critique: Critics argue that an all-knowing God would not change His mind or provide contradictory instructions.



Critics of the Qur'an argue that it is a human-made text influenced by pre-existing religious and cultural traditions, filled with theological, historical, and ethical inconsistencies. From a Christian perspective, it is viewed as anti-Christian and antichrist because it denies core biblical doctrines about Jesus Christ, His divinity, and salvation. These arguments form the basis of the claim that the Qur'an is a forgery and not divinely inspired.

The gospel of Barnabas?

#ThegospelofBarnabas is fake!

The Gospel of Barnabas is widely regarded by scholars and historians as a forgery or pseudepigraphical work. It is not considered a canonical gospel in Christianity, nor does it hold significant credibility within Islamic or Jewish traditions.

Some key reasons for this assessment include:

1. Historical Anachronisms: The text contains numerous historical errors, including references to concepts and practices that did not exist during the time of Jesus or Barnabas, such as the use of medieval feudal terms and descriptions of the Muslim Shahada.

2. Language and Style: The language and style of the work suggest it was written in the late medieval period, likely in the 14th or 15th century, long after the time of Barnabas, who was a companion of Paul in the New Testament.

3. Discrepancies with Early Christian Writings: The Gospel of Barnabas contradicts both the New Testament and other early Christian texts, as well as historical Islamic teachings. It presents an unusual account of Jesus' life that aligns with neither Christian nor mainstream Islamic theology.

4. Unknown Provenance: The earliest known manuscripts of the Gospel of Barnabas date to the 16th century, and there is no evidence of its existence before then.

Most scholars believe the text was written to promote specific theological or political agendas during the Middle Ages, likely by someone familiar with both Christianity and Islam. It is not accepted as an authentic work by any major religious tradition.

The King James Bible does not include a number of ancient writings that are considered apocryphal or pseudepigraphal (false or spurious writings), many of which claim to be gospels or texts about Jesus and the apostles. Here's a list of notable counterfeit or excluded gospels, along with general scholarly perspectives on their significance:

1. Gospel of Thomas

  • Date: 2nd century AD
  • Content: A collection of 114 sayings attributed to Jesus, often esoteric in nature, with Gnostic overtones.
  • Why Excluded: It does not align with orthodox Christian theology and emphasizes secret knowledge.
  • Scholarly Value: Rated highly for historical insight into early Christian sects but rejected as Scripture by the early church.

2. Gospel of Judas

  • Date: 2nd century AD
  • Content: Depicts Judas Iscariot not as a betrayer but as a favored disciple who acts at Jesus' request.
  • Why Excluded: Promotes Gnostic beliefs that contradict mainstream Christian teachings.
  • Scholarly Value: Fascinating for understanding Gnosticism but rated low for theological relevance.

3. Gospel of Peter

  • Date: Late 2nd century AD
  • Content: Focuses on the Passion narrative but includes fanciful details (e.g., a talking cross).
  • Why Excluded: Contains theological errors and embellishments.
  • Scholarly Value: Moderate; important for studying early Christian literary creativity.

4. Infancy Gospel of Thomas

  • Date: 2nd-3rd century AD
  • Content: Describes Jesus' childhood with miraculous events and mischief (e.g., killing a boy and resurrecting him).
  • Why Excluded: Theologically unsound and filled with legendary material.
  • Scholarly Value: Interesting for folklore studies but theologically rated very low.

5. Protoevangelium of James

  • Date: 2nd century AD
  • Content: Focuses on the birth and upbringing of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
  • Why Excluded: Contains embellishments and legends not consistent with canonical Scripture.
  • Scholarly Value: High for Marian studies but low for doctrinal accuracy.

6. Acts of Paul and Thecla

  • Date: 2nd century AD
  • Content: Tells the story of a female disciple of Paul named Thecla, who performs miracles.
  • Why Excluded: Considered fictional and inconsistent with Pauline theology.
  • Scholarly Value: Useful for studying early Christian perspectives on women but not as Scripture.

7. Gospel of Mary (Magdalene)

  • Date: 2nd century AD
  • Content: Features Mary Magdalene as a prominent disciple and teacher, emphasizing secret knowledge.
  • Why Excluded: Gnostic in nature and promotes views counter to orthodox Christian doctrine.
  • Scholarly Value: High for gender studies and Gnostic thought, but not canonical.

8. Gospel of the Egyptians

  • Date: 2nd century AD
  • Content: Includes esoteric teachings of Jesus, heavily influenced by Gnostic ideology.
  • Why Excluded: Rejects bodily resurrection and orthodox teachings.
  • Scholarly Value: Significant for understanding early Christian diversity.

9. Gospel of Philip

  • Date: 3rd century AD
  • Content: A Gnostic gospel with mystical sayings, including speculation on Jesus’ relationship with Mary Magdalene.
  • Why Excluded: Heretical views inconsistent with Christian theology.
  • Scholarly Value: Valuable for studying Gnosticism but irrelevant for orthodoxy.

10. The Didache

  • Date: Late 1st or early 2nd century AD
  • Content: A manual for Christian living and church practices, including teachings on baptism and communion.
  • Why Excluded: Not a counterfeit gospel but excluded because it is more of a church manual than inspired Scripture.
  • Scholarly Value: Highly rated for historical church practices.

11. Gospel of Barnabas

Date: Likely written in the 14th-16th century AD

Content: Claims that Jesus was a prophet, denies His divinity, and states that Muhammad was the final prophet, aligning with Islamic theology.

Why Excluded: Not an ancient document; it is a medieval forgery with anachronisms, written to support Islamic views of Jesus.

Scholarly Value: Very low, as it lacks credibility and historical accuracy.

Summary of Ratings

  • Scholarly interest: High for understanding early Christianity and sectarian movements.
  • Canonical value: Low due to doctrinal errors, Gnostic influence, or fictional elements.

The King James Bible excluded these texts because they lacked apostolic authorship, consistent theology, or broad acceptance in the early church.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Beware of False Prophets Eho Fortune Tell

Do not claim to be a Christian or a prophet of God if you are engaging in fortune-telling or channeling information through familiar spirits. Such actions align you with the deceiver, not with the truth of God.

Yes, false prophets in the Bible are often associated with practices like divination and occultism, which are condemned by God. These practices are mentioned throughout the Bible as forms of rebellion against God's authority and truth. Here's a closer look:

Key Characteristics of False Prophets and Their Practices

1. Divination:

Divination is the attempt to gain hidden knowledge or foretell the future through supernatural means apart from God.

False prophets often relied on methods like reading omens, consulting spirits, or other pagan practices.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12:

> "Let no one be found among you... who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord."

2. Occult Practices:

Many false prophets engaged in occult rituals that were tied to idolatry, such as worshiping Baal or Asherah.

These practices often included sacrifices, rituals, and invoking false gods for guidance.

Ezekiel 13:6-7 describes false prophets as those who fabricate visions and lie about hearing from God:

> "Their visions are false and their divinations a lie. They say, ‘The Lord declares,’ when the Lord has not sent them; yet they expect their words to be fulfilled."

3. Misleading God’s People:

False prophets often led God’s people into sin by encouraging idolatry, immorality, and reliance on pagan practices.

Jeremiah 14:14:

> "The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries, and the delusions of their own minds."

4. Contrasting with True Prophets:

True prophets received their messages directly from God through divine revelation, while false prophets relied on occult methods or fabricated messages.

God’s Condemnation of Divination and Occultism

The Bible consistently warns against engaging in any form of occult practice:

Isaiah 8:19: "When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God?"

Micah 5:12: "I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells."


False prophets were often practitioners of divination and occultism, which were direct violations of God’s law. These practices reflected their rebellion against God and their attempts to lead others astray. God’s Word clearly distinguishes between the true prophets who spoke His truth and the false ones who relied on forbidden methods.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Stop Transitioning Kids

Being complicit in harming children is unacceptable.


Children are not born "in the wrong body," nor can they truly comprehend complex concepts like gender transitioning. Kids naturally explore their imaginations, often pretending to be characters like superheroes, which is a normal part of childhood development.

Parents and educators who impose gender ideologies on children disrupt their natural development, undermining their biological identity and creating confusion. This practice disregards the importance of cisgender and heterosexual development, constituting a form of abuse.

Children lack the mental capacity to grasp the lifelong consequences of medical transitions, including the inability to procreate as adults. Puberty blockers and hormone therapies prescribed before puberty maturity can irreversibly impact their future reproductive health and natural sexual functions and rob them of future generations.

Protect children and let them grow naturally.

If you know any parents that are trying to force transition or crossdressing their children against their will, it is your responsibility to report this abuse to authorities, so that the vulnerable child may be protected.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Jesus is my BFF

✝️ Jesus is my Savior and BFF.
I don't care what race or religion you are, you can't be my friend if Jesus isn't your Savior and friend.

Here's why:

1. Friendship with the World vs. Friendship with God

James 4:4 states:
"You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God."
This verse suggests that aligning oneself with worldly values or rejecting God’s ways creates a spiritual conflict. It warns against forming relationships that might compromise faith or lead to ungodly influences.

2. Light and Darkness

2 Corinthians 6:14-15 says:
"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"
This passage is often interpreted as cautioning Christians about forming close, binding relationships (such as marriage or deep partnerships) with non-believers. It stresses the spiritual divide between those who follow Christ and those who do not.

3. Jesus on Friendship

In John 15:14-15, Jesus says:
"You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you."
Here, Jesus defines friendship with Him as obedience to His teachings. Those who reject Him and His message cannot be considered His friends in the spiritual sense. 

4. Loving Others While Maintaining Boundaries

While the Bible emphasizes loving others (Matthew 22:39), it also warns against being influenced by those who reject Christ. Christians are called to be kind and compassionate toward everyone (Luke 6:27-28), but this doesn't necessarily mean forming deep friendships with those who might lead them away from their faith.

5. Jesus friend of sinners

The life and ministry of Jesus reflect a balance between engaging with sinners for the purpose of leading them to God and maintaining a clear boundary regarding deep, spiritual fellowship with those who reject Him. Here's an explanation:

1. Jesus as a Friend of Sinners

In Matthew 9:10-13, it says:
"While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, 'Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?' On hearing this, Jesus said, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'”

This shows Jesus' purpose: He engaged with sinners to bring them to repentance and reconciliation with God. His relationship with them was not about forming deep, personal friendships but about fulfilling His mission to save the lost (Luke 19:10).

2. Jesus Did Not Entrust Himself to People

John 2:23-25 says:
"Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person."

This indicates that while Jesus ministered to everyone, He maintained a divine discernment. He knew the hearts of people, including their sinful tendencies and motivations, and therefore did not commit Himself to them in a way that would compromise His mission or divine purpose.

3. Purpose of Jesus' Interactions

Jesus' interactions with sinners were always purposeful:

To show God's love and offer forgiveness (John 3:16-17).

To call them to repentance and faith in Him (Mark 1:15).

To exemplify the transformative power of God's grace.

He did not condone their sin or seek personal companionship for its own sake. His engagement was always rooted in His mission to reconcile humanity to God.

4. Believers and Fellowship with Unbelievers

The Bible warns believers against forming deep fellowship with unbelievers because of the spiritual misalignment it creates:

2 Corinthians 6:14: "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"

Ephesians 5:11: "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."

These passages stress that Christians are to avoid intimate relationships or partnerships with those who reject Christ, as these can lead to spiritual compromise.

5. Love with Boundaries

While Christians are called to love and pray for everyone, including unbelievers (Matthew 5:44), this love is not the same as fellowship. Like Jesus, believers are to engage with non-believers purposefully—to share the gospel and lead them to Christ—while maintaining boundaries that protect their faith and testimony.


Jesus’ example shows that it is possible to engage with sinners out of love and a desire to lead them to God without compromising spiritual integrity. His relationships with sinners were not about personal friendship but about fulfilling His redemptive mission. Believers are called to do the same: love unbelievers, share the gospel, but avoid deep fellowship that might conflict with their commitment to Christ.

Why would I even want to be friends with anyone who doesn't want to be friends with my BFF Jesus Christ my Lord?

1. Rejecting Jesus Is Rejecting the Father

Jesus makes it clear that rejecting Him is equivalent to rejecting God the Father, who sent Him. In Luke 10:16, Jesus says:
"Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me."
This underscores the unity between Jesus and the Father (John 10:30). By rejecting Jesus, individuals are rejecting the one true God because Jesus is the direct representative of God on earth.

In John 12:44-45, Jesus declares:
"Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me."
To deny Jesus is to deny the revelation of God.

2. The Consequences of Denying Jesus

Jesus warns of the eternal consequences of denying Him. In Matthew 10:32-33, He says:
"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."

This statement highlights the seriousness of acknowledging or denying Jesus. Those who reject Jesus not only sever themselves from salvation but also face rejection before God on the Day of Judgment.

3. Rejecting Christ’s Messengers

Jesus taught that His disciples and messengers were His representatives. In rejecting them, people reject Jesus and, by extension, the Father. This principle is seen in John 13:20:
"Very truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me."

Similarly, when Jesus sent out the seventy-two disciples, He told them in Luke 10:16 (as mentioned above) that rejection of them was equivalent to rejecting Him and God the Father.

4. Application for Believers

For Christians, this teaching emphasizes:

The Importance of Faith in Jesus: True faith in God is inseparable from faith in Jesus (John 14:6). Any denial of Jesus as Savior and Lord is a denial of God’s plan of salvation.

The Role of Christian Witnesses: Believers are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). As such, rejection of their faithful witness to the gospel is a rejection of Christ Himself.

Seriousness of Spiritual Allegiances: Fellowship with unbelievers or those who actively reject Christ must be navigated carefully. While Christians are called to share the gospel, they are also warned not to compromise their faith or be unequally yoked with non-believers (2 Corinthians 6:14).

5. Judgment for Rejection

Rejection of Jesus results in eternal separation from God, as seen in John 3:18:
"Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son."
This judgment highlights the gravity of denying Christ.


Jesus’ words emphasize the interconnectedness of belief in Him and belief in God the Father. Rejecting Jesus or those sent in His name is a rejection of God’s offer of salvation. For Christians, this is a call to remain steadfast in their faith, to proclaim the gospel boldly, and to recognize the spiritual consequences of rejection by others.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Be Yourself

Choose the path that feels right, that resonates with your own authentic self as God has created you to be.

Choose the path that aligns with God’s purpose for you, and let His truth guide you. In a world filled with countless voices, it can be hard to hear the quiet prompting of the Spirit within. So many voices tell us who to be, where to go, or how to live, yet these voices can only see part of our journey—they don't see the whole. They haven’t walked in your shoes, felt your struggles, or seen the quiet moments where God’s grace has upheld you.

But God knows. He knows your heart, your battles, your resilience, and the unique purpose He’s placed within you. While the world speaks loudly, God often speaks softly, asking us to trust His voice over the noise. His guidance, whispered in the depths of our souls, is truer and more enduring than any opinion. When we listen to Him, we find wisdom greater than our own understanding, rooted in His love and knowledge of our lives.

To find peace, sometimes you must let go of the world's expectations and seek His direction instead. Tune out the voices that don’t understand the weight of your choices or the purpose God has set before you. Only He knows the full picture, and as you trust Him, He will make your path clear. Choose the way that resonates not just with your own heart, but with His Spirit in you. Take each step in faith, even if it doesn’t make sense to others, for He is faithful to guide you.

Remember, life is not about meeting the world's expectations; it’s about seeking God's will, growing closer to Him, and allowing His truth to shape your journey. So keep listening to His voice, staying grounded in His Word, and trust that He is leading you exactly where you are meant to be. Every choice in alignment with Him brings you closer to the person He created you to be.

Embracing Your True Authentic Self: A Biblical Perspective

In a world that often encourages conformity, the Bible teaches us the profound importance of being our true, authentic selves. The Scriptures remind us that we are each created uniquely by God, designed to reflect His glory in our own way. Embracing this authenticity brings freedom, strength, and a deeper sense of purpose.

1. We Are Uniquely Created by God

Psalm 139:13-14 says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." This verse speaks to the truth that we are each crafted with care and intentionality. God designed our personalities, strengths, and even our quirks as part of His beautiful plan. Embracing who we are honors this divine intention, allowing us to live in harmony with the purpose God has for us.

2. Authenticity Brings Freedom

2 Corinthians 3:17 states, "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." Living authentically is liberating. When we let go of the need to please others and stop comparing ourselves to the world’s standards, we find freedom. Walking in the Spirit allows us to live as we were created, without the weight of others' expectations. This freedom enables us to pursue God’s purpose with a confident and open heart.

3. We Are Called to Reflect Christ Through Our Uniqueness

In 1 Peter 4:10, Peter reminds us, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." Being our true selves allows us to use our unique gifts to serve God and others. Our individual talents, passions, and experiences are not just for our own benefit; they are tools given by God to bless those around us. When we embrace who we truly are, we can better reflect God’s love and grace in the world.

4. Authenticity Builds Stronger Relationships

Romans 12:9 encourages, "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good." Sincere love flows from authenticity. Being genuine allows us to build deeper and more honest relationships because people are drawn to realness. When we drop our masks and show our true selves, we foster trust and create bonds rooted in understanding and respect.

5. Living Authentically Honors God

Ephesians 2:10 states, "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Living authentically is a form of worship, as it acknowledges God’s creative work in us. When we accept who we are and live out the purpose He has set before us, we bring glory to Him.

Conclusion: Embrace Your God-Given Identity

The Bible encourages us to embrace our true selves, confident that God created us for a purpose. When we live authentically, we experience freedom, build stronger relationships, and live in harmony with God’s design for our lives. By being our true selves, we honor the One who made us, allowing His light to shine through us in a unique and beautiful way.

Stop Selling Your Birthright: A Grievous Sin in the Modern Church

💰 Stop Selling Your Birthright: A Grievous Sin in the Modern Church

✝️ In today's Christian landscape, some ministers are exchanging their spiritual birthrights for financial gain, similar to Esau trading his birthright for a bowl of stew. This grievous act involves charging money and fees, creating systems where believers feel pressured to give out of necessity, contrary to the biblical command to give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7). This shift distorts the nature of true Christian giving, turning it into a transaction instead of an act of worship and love.

Additionally, some ministries are charging membership fees and giving preferential treatment to those who contribute larger sums. This creates an unbiblical hierarchy where the wealthy gain access to greater privileges, while others are marginalized. James 2:1-9 clearly condemns favoritism in the church, warning that partiality contradicts the law of love. The church should be a place where every believer, regardless of financial status, is welcomed and honored equally.

Worse yet, many churches have begun charging admittance fees for ministry events, a practice akin to selling spiritual gifts. This is not only a betrayal of God's Word but also a direct affront to the Holy Spirit. In Acts 8:18-20, Simon the sorcerer was rebuked for trying to buy the gifts of the Spirit with money, a stark reminder that the power of God is not for sale. The church is not to prostitute itself by attaching a price tag to ministry or making it a business venture. This "harlot" behavior grieves God and quenches the Spirit, closing the windows of heaven that should pour out blessings (Malachi 3:8-10).

God’s gifts are meant to be given freely, just as they have been freely received (Matthew 10:8). The Holy Spirit and the grace of God cannot be bought or sold. Ministries that engage in such practices are not only robbing God but also exploiting His people for "filthy lucre" (1 Peter 5:2). They turn the sacred into the profane, prioritizing profit over purity. This commercialization of the Gospel is a direct violation of the church’s calling and must be repented of.

In conclusion, the church must repent from using worldly methods to generate profit and return to a biblical model of charity, humility, and freely giving. Ministers are stewards of God's grace, not merchants of His gifts. The church must remember that her foundation is not in wealth or influence but in Christ alone. Only then can the true power and blessing of the Holy Spirit flow freely, without hindrance.

Do not charge money for this type of event!

Do not pay money for this type of event! 


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Sinners Prayer

🙏Title: The Sinner's Prayer: Embracing Faith in Jesus Christ

The Sinner's Prayer has long been a cornerstone of Christian tradition, offering believers a heartfelt expression of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Rooted in the conviction of trusting in Jesus and relying on the eternal truth of God's Word, it serves as a profound declaration of one's acceptance of Christ's sacrifice for redemption.

At its core, the Sinner's Prayer embodies a sincere acknowledgment of human fallibility and a humble plea for divine mercy. It signifies a turning point in an individual's spiritual journey, where they consciously choose to surrender their lives to Christ and seek forgiveness for their sins.

The prayer itself is a simple yet profound affirmation of faith, often personalized by individuals as they pour out their hearts before God. It acknowledges Jesus as the Savior, trusting in His word and the unfailing truth of Scripture. It embraces the belief in Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross for the atonement of sins, His resurrection, and His ascension to the right hand of God.

Central to the Sinner's Prayer is the recognition of Jesus as the propitiation for sin, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. It is an expression of gratitude for His boundless love and grace, which offers salvation to all who believe.

Moreover, the Sinner's Prayer underscores the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, who indwells believers and empowers them to live a life pleasing to God. Through faith in Christ, individuals become adopted as sons and daughters of God, heirs to His kingdom and recipients of His unmerited favor.

In essence, the Sinner's Prayer encapsulates the essence of Christian faith—a heartfelt plea for forgiveness, a declaration of trust in Jesus Christ, and a commitment to follow Him faithfully. It is a profound act of surrender, paving the way for a life transformed by the redeeming love of God.