Monday, April 1, 2024

Proof Hilary Clinton is a Witch


On the Eve of Halloween, there’s nothing more spooky than the truth about Hillary Clinton & the occult. 

For decades, the Clintons dabbled in the occult. As early as the 1970’s, Bill and Hillary went to Haiti and took a course in voodoo theology from a voodoo priest and sat in on a dark ritual. This was documented in Bill’s own words in his memoir My Life, according to The Washington Post. Bill described the ritual stating “spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man”. Bill then described how the woman screamed in a frenzy and proceeded to grab a live chicken and bite off the animal's head. Years later the Haitian publication, Haiti Observateur, reported that Bill returned to the island in 1995 to reaffirm his faith in voodoo by participating in another ritual. Also, it’s rumored in Haiti that Hillary returned to the island as well and participated in more voodoo rituals too. 

Former Clinton insider, Larry Nichols, who was known as their “fixer” said that Hillary regularly flew to California once a month decades ago to take part in a ritual at a witch’s coven. The Clintons tasked Nichols to keep stories like this out of the media. However, Bob Woodward reported in his book The Choice that Hillary refused to talk about Jesus Christ, and also that she frequently held necromantic seances in the White House where she attempted to communicate with the dead including with Eleanor Roosevelt.

Fast forward to 2018, Hillary was awarded a lifetime membership by the witch’s coven The Wing which is comprised of occult-practicing feminist witches. The Wing scrubbed some of their references to the occult and witchcraft online; however, there’s still some evidence that has been left up on social media.

The founders of the coven are Audrey Gelman and Lauren Kassan. Gelman and Kassan claim very openly that The Wing is a coven, not a sorority, on their Instagram pages. Gelman and Kassan boast about their occult practices on their social media pages. One post by The Wing’s director, Marianna Martinelli, contains a drawing of witches dancing around Satan and calling on other witches to join them to cast hexes against the NRA and a curse against Donald Trump. The Wing’s online store features hats and T-shirts emblazoned with occult symbols such as inverted pentagrams.

Also, we learned via the Podesta E-mails that Clinton associates — such as John and Tony Podesta — engage in spirit cooking dinners hosted by Marina Abramovic. Abramovic has been described as a performance artist and a high priestess whose work entails “sorcery” and sometimes grotesque rituals. Her spirit cooking dinners are a ritual that involves one cutting your finger and the mixing of blood, sperm and breast milk. A quick Internet search of Abramovic will show you she hosts dinners that depict cannibalism too, and she’s regularly photographed with Satanic symbolism. Some of the Clinton’s closest allies are involved in these demonic rituals so it’s not a stretch to consider they also engage in spirit cooking too especially with their long history of dabbling in the occult.

Furthermore, Chelsea Clinton has been photographed wearing an upside down cross necklace which is a Satanic symbol. The Clintons are no longer hiding their association with the occult, and all of this information is open-source. So anyone who claims they’re not involved with the occult is lying to you.

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