Monday, April 1, 2024

Trump or Biden?

This post is exclusively for all the #CNNFakeNews uneducated brainwashed anti-Trumpers.

Biden is bringing the USS to ruin and everyone knows it. The USA is on the brink of ww3 and he is causing it, 100%. That perverted old pedophile can't puta whole sentence together and the entire world is laughing. Do you listen to Biden AT ALL? Maybe you just watch the MSM. If you watch SkyNews, you see ALL of what he says, not the carefully selected, sliced & diced pieces. He’s an AUTHORITARIAN FASCIST DICTATOR. Trump is America FIRST. Biden is a globalist. Educate yourself.

Trump is not a globalist and the Deep State players are exposing themselves in their desperate attempts to stop Trump in 2024. Obama, Clinton, Biden, are all part of the Deep State. The left is making it sound like Trump is going to be a Dictator, which is exactly what Biden is doing now. He’s bypassing Congress on legislative issues, violating Supreme Court decisions, destroyed our sovereignty, ushering in the Globalist One World Order. Trump is America 1st.

Biden corruption is manifold. Every day more and more evidence comes out revealing the Biden crime syndicate. Media is just as corrupt...

The trail of evidence couldn't be more clear. 
Joe Biden is the most corrupt man to ever hold the office of President of the United States.Emails, texts, voicemails, photos, bank records, and sworn witness testimony prove Joe Biden was FULLY INVOLVED in his Hunter's corrupt foreign business deals.

Joe Biden Is Possibly The Most Corrupt Politician In America. Another Bribe Of $900,000 From The University Of Pennsylvania, $500,00 From China Tied Group

$13 Billion In Foreign Payments To American Universities Withheld, Millions From The CCP

Rep. Mary Miller (@RepMaryMiller): "The house oversight committee also discovered that the University of Pennsylvania paid Joe Biden $900,000 during this very same period. A new report yesterday by Barry Weiss also highlights that at least 200 American colleges and universities withheld information on 13 billion dollars from foreign regimes, with much of that coming from the Middle East."

This corrupt POS was getting direct payments from Hunter while the crackhead son was doing shady business deals with CCP-linked entities & foreign nationals and lying to your face about it. 
Hunter Biden received payments in excess of $250,000 originating from Communist China with Joe Biden's Delaware home listed as the beneficiary address. Now that there is direct proof that Joe and Hunter are accepting bribes from the CCP, do you think they should be charged with treason? 

What we now know:

- Joe Biden received payments from an account involved in his son's tax evasion charges.

- He received hundreds of thousands in "loan repayments" from his brother.

- Joe Biden is the most corrupt President in United States history.

Here is a partial list (meme) of Trump accomplishments compared to bidenomics.

The Complete List of President Trump's Accomplishments

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