Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Stop Selling Your Birthright: A Grievous Sin in the Modern Church

💰 Stop Selling Your Birthright: A Grievous Sin in the Modern Church

✝️ In today's Christian landscape, some ministers are exchanging their spiritual birthrights for financial gain, similar to Esau trading his birthright for a bowl of stew. This grievous act involves charging money and fees, creating systems where believers feel pressured to give out of necessity, contrary to the biblical command to give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7). This shift distorts the nature of true Christian giving, turning it into a transaction instead of an act of worship and love.

Additionally, some ministries are charging membership fees and giving preferential treatment to those who contribute larger sums. This creates an unbiblical hierarchy where the wealthy gain access to greater privileges, while others are marginalized. James 2:1-9 clearly condemns favoritism in the church, warning that partiality contradicts the law of love. The church should be a place where every believer, regardless of financial status, is welcomed and honored equally.

Worse yet, many churches have begun charging admittance fees for ministry events, a practice akin to selling spiritual gifts. This is not only a betrayal of God's Word but also a direct affront to the Holy Spirit. In Acts 8:18-20, Simon the sorcerer was rebuked for trying to buy the gifts of the Spirit with money, a stark reminder that the power of God is not for sale. The church is not to prostitute itself by attaching a price tag to ministry or making it a business venture. This "harlot" behavior grieves God and quenches the Spirit, closing the windows of heaven that should pour out blessings (Malachi 3:8-10).

God’s gifts are meant to be given freely, just as they have been freely received (Matthew 10:8). The Holy Spirit and the grace of God cannot be bought or sold. Ministries that engage in such practices are not only robbing God but also exploiting His people for "filthy lucre" (1 Peter 5:2). They turn the sacred into the profane, prioritizing profit over purity. This commercialization of the Gospel is a direct violation of the church’s calling and must be repented of.

In conclusion, the church must repent from using worldly methods to generate profit and return to a biblical model of charity, humility, and freely giving. Ministers are stewards of God's grace, not merchants of His gifts. The church must remember that her foundation is not in wealth or influence but in Christ alone. Only then can the true power and blessing of the Holy Spirit flow freely, without hindrance.

Do not charge money for this type of event!

Do not pay money for this type of event! 


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