Mormon's are Christians?
Joseph Smith (1805–1844) was the most deceptive and fraudulent Mormon "prophet" of the 19th century—period.
A cunning and deceitful womanizer, he led millions astray.
Joseph Smith was a complete fraud—a false prophet through and through. He had approximately 40 wives, including his youngest, Helen Mar Kimball, who was only 14 years old. He also had an affair with his housekeeper, Fanny Alger, who was just 15.
His wife, Emma Hale, caught him in the barn with Fanny Alger, peering through a crack in the door on their property.
Poor Emma. The so-called elders of the fraudulent church had to be summoned to calm her down. The shock took weeks for her to recover from.
Meanwhile, the poor Mormon followers remained trapped, ensnared by a false prophet leading them toward ruin.
Joseph Smith was a notorious womanizer.
As for the four golden plates containing the so-called "Reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics," which he claimed to have used to translate the fabricated Book of Mormon (Galatians 1:8–9)—where are they now?
We have ancient manuscripts (MSS) that predate Joseph Smith by centuries.
And yet, the golden plates? Conveniently vanished. No evidence to examine.
Smith claimed they were taken away by a so-called angel, Moroni—an invention of his deceitful imagination.
Renowned linguist Charles Anthon was approached by Martin Harris, whom Joseph Smith sent to verify the so-called "Reformed Egyptian" writing. I have a letter from Anthon himself stating that the characters presented to him were nothing but a fraudulent concoction—devised by con artists.
Joseph Smith lied once again, as recorded in Doctrine and Covenants and the History of Joseph Smith, sections 63–65.
Like all his other false prophecies, he claimed, "Thus saith the Lord."
But the Bible says:
"The ancient and honorable, he is the head; and the prophet that teaches lies, he is the tail. For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."
—Isaiah 9:15–16
If you are a member of the Church of Joseph Smith of Latter-Day Deceivers, flee for the sake of your soul!
And if two missionaries come knocking on your door in their spotless white shirts and black name tags, tell them to repent. Make it clear you have no interest in following a false prophet—then close the door on them immediately. Do not engage with them.
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